Bahasa Indonesia
A18-Tuberkulosis organ lain (Non Spesialis)
- A18.0-Tuberkulosis tulang dan sendi
- A18.1-Tuberkulosis sistem genitourinari
- A18.2-Limfadenopati perifer tuberkulosis
- A18.3-Tuberkulosis usus, peritoneum dan kelenjar mesenterika
- A18.4-Tuberkulosis kulit dan jaringan subkutan (Non Spesialis)
- A18.5-Tuberkulosis mata
- A18.6-Tuberkulosis telinga
- A18.7-Tuberkulosis kelenjar adrenal
- A18.8-Tuberkulosis pada organ tertentu lainnya
- A18.0-Tuberculosis of bones and joints
- A18.1-Tuberculosis of genitourinary system
- A18.2-Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy
- A18.3-Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands
- A18.4-Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue (Non Spesialis)
- A18.5-Tuberculosis of eye
- A18.6-Tuberculosis of ear
- A18.7-Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
- A18.8-Tuberculosis of other specified organs